Abortion Recovery Support Group in Orange, CA
Abortion is not just a simple medical procedure. For many women, it is a life-changing event with significant long term emotional and spiritual consequences. There is evidence that abortion is associated with a decrease in both emotional and physical health. Not all people are the same; so how your friend felt or responded after her abortion may not be the same for you. Some may experience negative emotions which can appear within days or after many years or even decades of their abortion. Separate classes are offered for women as well as men to recover from their abortion experience.
If you have recently had an abortion or sometime in your past, your first emotional response may have been relief. The challenges of an unplanned pregnancy were gone and you could go on with the rest of your life. However, in time you may experience feelings of pain, loss or shame. You may also feel that your abortion is something that must be hidden from others, especially those closest to you. You can’t imagine them knowing and you can’t bear to face their shock and disappointment.
Sadly, one in three women has been in this same situation. Silently carrying the pain of this decision and feeling isolated, many women who have experienced an abortion feel alone, depressed, hopeless and trapped.
We know your feelings are real and you can find healing, no matter how long you’ve been struggling. You can be released from the guilt, anger and regret which often weigh you down. We care about you, and we understand. Allow us to help you in your journey towards healing and freedom. We offer confidential, small classes that are safe and nonjudgmental.
We know it’s hard for you, but we also know you shouldn’t wait any longer. You deserve to find healing. You are precious, in spite of your past. Believe it.

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View Abortion Recovery Class testimonials here.
Class Options
Our Abortion Recovery Class meets twice a year for this 10-week, Monday night course. Classes are two hours long located at our LivingWell Pregnancy Center's location (2010 North Tustin Street, Orange, CA 92865) Counselors will lead you through this course as you seek the Scriptures to find hope and lasting healing.
Church-hosted Abortion Recovery Class
Abortion Recovery Class at LivingWell
After a church is trained by our counselors at Care Ministries, they too can host a 10-week course for women and men seeking hope and healing post-abortion. To find out more information on how you can facilitate a class, or if you would like this class at your church, please email careministries@living-well.org.
Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the class?
The class is a 10-week course that typically lasts about 2 hours each week.

What will the class cover?
This class is a biblically based counseling course that walks through everything from relationship restoration with God and others, accepting Christ's forgiveness, and becoming equipped to help others.

When is the next available class?
The next available class will be at LivingWell Pregnancy Centers beginning on February 3rd to April 7th from 6-8pm.
2010 N Tustin St
Orange, CA 92865 Suite #F